Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's Out There

I saw this sign in the front yard of an apartment building in Mansfield yesterday. It was in plain sight, painted with the same star and crescent on both sides. The implications of this are perfectly clear. This isn't vandalism. This isn't a "Muslims for Obama" sign. This doesn't represent all Obama haters or conservatives. But it is being tacitly accepted by all those in the apartment building and their neighbors. Something to think about.


I saw this yard sign on Thursday and was quick to snap a picture of it. It had obviously been placed there with intent to inform and persuade. I went back on Friday to see if it was still in the yard and sure enough, still there.

I talked to a woman who lives across the street from this building. I asked her if she knew who put the sign in the yard. She said she did—there was a lady who lived in the front apartment. She called the woman “crazy” and a “lesbian”... That aside, I asked her if she knew what was painted on the sign. She said no, she thought some kids had just painted on it. I explained that it was an Islamic star and crescent. She looked at me with wide eyes and quickly glanced at her two children.

She informed me that at one time there had been three similar signs in the front yard of this apartment building. They had stayed there for a few weeks before the landlord pulled them out. The landlord apparently forgot one. This one had remained in the yard unchallenged for weeks...

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